Friday, January 13, 2012

Whos your body idol?

I cant believe how well I'm doing. Down another pound this morning. It has been a long time since I've been able to stick with my diet and exercise routine. I am so extremely proud of my self... so far. Whats really making it easy for me is "my fitness pal" its an app for your phone, lets you keep a journal of everything you've eaten and how much calories. Really helps keep me on track because it is so easy to use.

I was thinking that we all need a goal... where we want to get. You don't want to set a goal that is to big, its discouraging and you'll probably give up before you get there. I do make a big goal but also helps me to make a few short term goals as well. Like lose 2 pounds this week, eat more veggies or go to the gym 3 times this week. That way when you reach that goal you feel proud of yourself and you keep going to reach that one BIG goal.

My short term goal for this week is to go to the gym 3 times, 2 down one more to go! Long term goal of course is to be my ideal weight and look fab. Another thing that keeps me body idol, well I actually have 2. Kate Beckinsdale and Britney Spears. Both look amazing and I would kill for their bodies. Having pictures of my body idols around helps to remind me what im working towards.
Don't get the wrong idea though and think I have been perfect in this weight-loss journey. Ive slipped up a few times, just last night I gave in to temptation and indulged on some homemade mac and cheese. I was upset with myself afterwards but cant beat myself up about it. we're all gonna slip up once in a while. The important thing is that we keep moving forward. One mistake doesn't ruin everything that you've done thus far.

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