Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The dreaded question

"How much weight have you lost so far?" This is such a hard question for me to answer. Not because I'm embarrassed of my weight or anything. Its because I have lost the same 10, 15, 20 pounds more then once.
I get down to my goal weight and the I get comfortable. I stop working out so much, start eating a cookie here a piece of cake there and before you know it, BAM I'm right back where I started at.

Everyone always talks about how hard it is to lose weight, not for me. Losing the weight is the easy part, takes a lot of dedication and discipline but I can handle that. Its the maintenance that I have trouble with. Ive been struggling with this since I can remember, I'd say since I was 15 or 16 I have always been worried about my weight. In order for me to be fit and healthy its something that I am going to have to keep up on for the rest of my life, I cant stop or I go right back to where I was.

This time I'm not going back, I'm gonna lose these last 16 pounds and keep them off. I know its not going to be easy and at times I'm gonna want to give up, but I'm not going to.  Currently am still at 156.0, I would like to  get to at least 140 but wont object to getting down to 135. Time to step up the gym time and kick this fat in the but! WHO'S WITH ME???

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, hope all is going well on your Journey and your being successful....
