Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Give your self some credit...

So I've realized something about myself. No matter what I've accompished or how far I've come I'm never satisfied. People tell me how great I'm doing and all I can think about is how much further I need to go. I need to step back and realize what I've done and pat myself on the back. I'm way to hard on myself, and I always have been. Stepped on the scale today +2 I abot freaked. Guess I should have seen it coming, its been really hard to find time to work out with this messed up schedule I'm on right now. Guess I'm just gonna have to try that much harder because failure is not an option.
So give credit where credit is due and step up my game. I got this, had a minor set back but still well on my way.

Friday, February 3, 2012

You can only lead others where you yourself are prepared to go...

   So the new job has been taking up quite a bit of time. Sorry haven't written in a while. Still going good with my weight loss. I'm not losing weight as fast since I have little to no time for the gym, but its still gradually coming off. Just have to make sure that I keep up my good eating habits and once my work schedule changes you better believe I will be hitting that gym extra hard.

   For those that don't know my new job is in a call center. Just going to work every day gives me so much  motivation to keep on the path that I am. There are so many people that work in call centers that just don't care about their selves. Its almost sad, you see these gigantic people eating horrible things. It makes me want to reach out and help them, offer my advice or support. Maybe if they had the knowledge and knew what they were doing to their bodies, that it's never to late to make a new start, maybe they would change. But how do you offer up your help? Its hard with out coming across, rude or mean. So I just kinda let everyone know what I've done and what I'm still doing. Hopefully that lets them know that I'm someone that they can talk to if they need help.

   At my current weight I have gotten down to 152. So I'm getting there. Think I may go get some weights and yoga in before my shift starts at 3:30.